This week we're having our first exam. The oral part was yesterday and they did very well. The format is the following:
- All 5 (yes, I know, only 5) students take the oral together
- Each student gets 10 minutes to complete a problem on the board.
- The problems are chosen from homework problems and derivations in the book
- There are five possible problems so all are done by someone
- If they get stuck it costs them 5 points (out of a total of 100) to get unstuck by me
- They then answer one follow up question from each of their classmates.
- In the end they all ask 4 questions worth 5 points each (if I don't like the question, they don't get the points
I gather they studied by watching the screencasts because they did very well. Tomorrow is the written test so we'll see how well they're learning using this approach.